

Failing leisure centres

Failing leisure centres

Launching Fourth Street's new project delivery service

Launching Fourth Street's new project delivery service

The restoration of Swindon’s iconic Health Hydro – the Victorian baths and dispensary that became a blueprint for the NHS – has taken a big step forward, with the appointment of Fourth Street to lead the design team and develop its restoration plans.

UK structural funds after Brexit

UK structural funds after Brexit

Mary-Helen Young reflects on the Levelling Up Fund and what it signals about the post-Brexit UK funding climate.

Blue is the new Green

Blue is the new Green

The role that green spaces play in healthy city living has been increasingly recognised of late, particularly with half of the world in lock-down. But less attention has been focused on the benefits of water within urban environments. Fourth Street consultant Tom Agar explores how man's relationship to water in cities has changed over time, and discusses how COVID-19 may bring us closer than ever to its edge.

Swindon's Heritage Boost

Swindon's Heritage Boost

Jim Roberts watched Swindon Borough Council's locked down Cabinet come to an important decision on two of the city's most important heritage assets. This is his reaction.

Culture in Quarantine

Culture in Quarantine

Community activities such as choirs, yoga and dance classes, and other local providers help to strengthen the fabric of neighbourhood culture. How can the idea of 'shop local' increase sustainability for community activity providers as they move online during the shutdown?